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PART 1/3:
Match Type: No Holds Barred, Anything Goes, Politically Incorrect Brawl
>bell rings
Arena is flooded with the sounds of raucous crowd reactions—half cheering, half booing, a complete mess of mixed emotions.
Donald Trump is wearing an American themed singlet..His entrance music is "Money, Money, Money" and he's briefly accompanied to the ring by Shane McMahon who daps him up then goes backstage.
He has a mic in his hand and tells them to cut his music as he reaches the apron...The crowd starts to boo and he cuts a promo saying he’s “the greatest wrestler of all time,”
Before he finishes, Zelensky's music hits, and he's wearing a plain military green t-shirt and camouflage pant. The crowd goes nuts for him but there are some boos mixed in. Full pyro entrance. His theme is a remix of "Eye of the Tiger" and "I will survive"
>Match Starts:
As soon as the bell rings, Trump runs over and does a full on Lou-Thesz press and starts hammering away at Zelensky. Ref separates them, and just as Trump is going back for more, Zelensky hits him with a low blow (fully legal) and then does the 3 amigos suplexes
Crowd goes crazy, he goes to the top rope to do a frog splash but he's distracted when Kurt Angle's music hits.....Before he can climb down, Trump does the LA Knight leap onto the top rope and gives him a superplex....Trump goes for the cover, and Zelensky kicks out at 2.5....
Angle makes his way to ring-side and the ref is irate asking why he's there. Trump lifts Zelensky off the mat and Irish whips him into the corner, Zelensky does the Flair spin spot and looks hurt. Trump goes over to Angle who has an American flag which he starts to wave. Crowd is booing