>>17173605To be fair, Rock's entire """"return"""" so far has been nothing but headscratching confusion. Tries to do what he wants in the ring to forcibly make a story, completely talking about kayfabe in interviews and conferences like it's a shareholders meeting (though he seems to do this for every type of interview) and seems to have some strange desire to do things HIS way, one way or another. He's kind of turning into Vince. And if he's becoming this oddly sociopathic, I can see Dwayne, in his own ego, saying "Okay Cody, that's your choice, and if we go with Cena, we can tell a 'bigger story'" or something to that effect. I can 100% believe Rock shoot wanted Cody to turn heel for whatever bullshit story he had in mind but everyone Cody knew that it was a retarded idea. It's not even that Cody turning heel is a bad idea, but the origin of it being Rock granting Cody "fame and fortune" when he already has it is genuinely one of the worst writing examples in recent WWE history. So Cody said no. Then either Cena or Cody suggested Cena turning heel. And while that's not terrible on its own, Cena not even coming out to fucking Raw to cut a promo is not a good look. If he comes to SD then fine, but if he doesn't, then this angle they're putting together will start showing cracks already.
Anyway. This is all speculation. But Rock being a retard is plausible given the entire course of last year and his behavior.