>>17195401This is no surprise. Jade's alpha attitude actually protected her from Tony Khan's creative incompetence in AEW. Her insistence on being portrayed as the female Goldberg and Tony's constant caving to her demands helped her stand out on their shows. Her profile raised all the more when she worked with Shaq. Her uncompromising selfishness was the direct cause that effected HHH and the WWE's interest in making her into a star. Why would she change her ways?
I remember that there were reports that her attitude was already being viewed as an issue between the time she initially signed and her debut at the '24 Rumble. She apparently needed time to adjust to the different approaches to "collaboration" taken by the creative dept.'s in WWE and AEW. Her experience with Tony led her to believe that "collaboration" entailed doing whatever she wanted and treating the other female wrestlers as enhancement talent.
It now looks like things are gonna fall apart for Jade. The WWE paired her with an established top female performer in Bianca, with whom she was supposed to work in high profile tag title matches for much of the year. The thinking must have been that it would serve both Jade and the WWE well to have her shadow Bianca for a year as she became accustomed to their schedule and business protocols. Had Jade developed the habits they were hoping she would, I think the plan was to push her as the top star of the women's division like she always wanted. This probably would have involved Jade going over heel Bianca at Mania. But all this apparently very real backstage animosity toward Jade seems to have led WWE to change plans. They're still not giving up on Jade obviously, as she's still being booked as a dominant babyface, but she isn't being streamlined to the top. It's going to be difficult for her to get out of this if she's alienated herself from most of the girls she needs to put her over.