>>17219183Yeah WWE sucks, so what? Did you think this was a "gotcha" post or something? What does that have to do with Moxley fucking sucking?
>>17219204I would've forgiven Tony for a lot if Jay White had backstabbed everyone and walked away with the title.
But really, this show reveals a lot of AEW's problems -- all of the great stuff was midcard shit. All of the guys in the midcard -- Omega, Ospreay, Takeshita, Fletcher, Hangman, the guys that get the fans excited, are not ever competing for the top title. Tony thinks he can create some bullshit title and hand it to Okada and Ospreay and guys like that and everyone is fine with it, and they no longer have to compete for the top prize. But that's not true and this PPV proves it in pure fan reactions -- nobody gave a fuck about the main event because the angle is a stinker, Cope is old, and Moxley has held the top title in AEW way too much and at the cost of better guys being held back.