One of the most interesting stories in WWE history is the “teleporting fan”. On an episode of Raw a fan teleported in a flash of light during a Kofi Kingston/Dolph Ziggler match. The show quickly went to commercial and, when it returned, an entire section of the audience was now missing. The segments were scrubbed from the WWE Network and Peacock, with careful editing making it appear that nothing unusual happened.
Fans who were at the show have claimed that those missing fans were taken backstage by security guards, with one anonymous source claiming he was one of those fans and was treated for radiation poisoning.
Earlier today a massive update occurred to this odd story; a fan who attended this show and was in the “evacuated” section reached out to me. I’ve been maintaining a wiki on this and he emailed me, showing me a copy of his ticket from that night and dozens of photos from the event itself.
I’ll share more after I interview him in person, but basically this confirms that a man did teleport and security reacted with extreme confusion and caution after it was reported.
My source also confirmed that they were treated for radiation poisoning, they were forced to sign an NDA, and they were given several thousand dollars each to never speak of it.