Quoted By:
>goes to the main roster after his NXT run that no one really remembers outside of Zelina Vega
>refuses to learn english to cut promos, has a decent match with Rey Mysterio on Smackdown and gets released after not getting over
>takes the money mark contract and goes to AEW, gets over temporarily because he jumped ship from the fed
>still refuses to learn english and starts losing his heat because he can't cut a promo
>has a decent program with PAC before getting lost in the shuffle with the constant stream of signings, gets frustrated that he has no booking plans and let's his contract expire to be with his wife in WWE
>returns to WWE, is not over in the slightest even with smarks
>once again refuses to learn english being in a promo-heavy company, gets lost in the shuffle again, and Charlotte proves she's her father's daughter and files for divorce
>stuck in limbo and might go back to Mexico to live out the rest of his career in obscurity
He bought this upon himself, he will not be missed when he gets future endeavored.