>>4664161I don’t care if I seem wrong. You literally ban people with milquetoast political opinions, want to abolish the free market, want to harass innocent (aka 99.99999999999%) of cops and their families, you want to bully Jews, you throw bricks in targets, you throw your votes away by voting for politicians who promise you drugs and “less federal control” and less police, even though many ghetto communities are begging for police to be around and they won’t because I cop has to fear for his life everytime he goes to shoot a thug.
I’m not saying america and western imperialism are the good guys, but populist anarchism aren’t the good guys either. The true good people are people who practice policy for pragmatic and truly problem solving reasons, and who won’t stab you in the back or hate you for having a different opinion on policy
You’re literally the kind of person who would refuse to work with a cop or a solider during a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. It’s gross because it shows how angry you are. I’m angry but I want things to get better. You want to be victimized because you think the world is gonna end from global warming or some shit. Grow some balls you fucking eboy Senator Armstrong wannabe cunt