>>4672007Yeah. Storywise and everything that happened, and it has one of the best debuts ever.
Mankind vs Taker, HHH/Foley are probably the next best. But what makes this one so good is that Shawn spent all summer talking shit and you really thought he'd find a way out or no-sell the whole thing, which he was doing on RAWs leading up to the show.
Then, on the night of the show he does his entrance and talks shit, looking like a smug cunt, but the moment Carder comes out, he realizes how fucked he is.
He proceeds to get the living shit beat out of him, he gets some spots, but Taker pretty much tosses his ass around and kicks his ass. Even the ending with Taker just fucking beating the fuck out of him with all those moves and capping it off with a chair over his head was pretty based. The Kane stuff after and Michaels barely winning also got him more fucking heat and made the Bret stuff better.
>>4672080Nah, Everyone knew Shawn would find a way out, but the genius was that it ended up being significantly worse for him. In a cage, the match would've been done. Here, it's not like he was kicking Taker's ass, he was getting his ass kicked and tried to run only to get thrown in the cage.