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Help me guys, I'm a noob to joshi consolewarring. Everybody seems to think the teams are:
>Stardom vs everybody else
But one schizo Stardrone claims the teams are:
>Stardom & TJPW vs everybody else
If those are the teams, then why does Stardom keep raiding TJPW's midcarders? Why does /oz/ always bully Stardrones but /tjpw/ just posts coom pics? Are /tjpw/ or /stardom/ bigger casuals? Or are they casuals united against the hardcore joshi fans?
>Stardom vs everybody else
But one schizo Stardrone claims the teams are:
>Stardom & TJPW vs everybody else
If those are the teams, then why does Stardom keep raiding TJPW's midcarders? Why does /oz/ always bully Stardrones but /tjpw/ just posts coom pics? Are /tjpw/ or /stardom/ bigger casuals? Or are they casuals united against the hardcore joshi fans?