>>4810448> Somes culture doesn't go into an offspring's genesAre you honestly retarded? I can put it in 2+2 form for you.
Over time, a race will splinter into different cultures. Over time cultures will result in different genes being expressed, different organ compatibilities, etc. You get the idea, cultures will result in different limited breeding stocks. It's like how certain dog breeds will be bred for thicker coats, or have more water resistant coats, or are bred to have more overall energy.
When you have two distinct cultures interbreeding, shit goes haywire. Alleles crossing with alleles, different features that were evolved over time to function with other features are suddenly not expressed. Not just features, but some races even have genetic predispositions to certain genetic failures, allergies, mental illnesses, etc.
Furthermore, you have organ compatibility, of which interbreeding completely tarnishes. It's often difficult finding the right sort of organs for people born of one race. You have blood types to match, etc. You get that idea. When you add racemixing into the mix, your chances of getting the right organs drastically goes down. And people like Mayli who are jewish, which have notoriously inbred genes that make English genes look healthy and diverse. Our little Mayli there has a significantly higher risk to develop schizophrenia specifically because of her jew genes.