>>4817581I do want to make fun of you, actually. I want to make fun of your shitty glasses, your shitty shirt, your shitty blue lives matter flag, your shitty ass pussy catchphrase and your shitty ass mustache.
I don't give a fuck that your daddy served in Korea. I hope he was shot dead and the service showed up on your doorstep traumatizing you. Actually I'm willing to bet that is what happened as the trauma from losing your bitch made daddy made you an idiot because you could never focus on getting a proper education.
And you're a small business owner? Cool, I hope it gets destroyed in a riot and I hope if you have a child like Kyle McDickinAss that he gets shot and killed too right in front of you.
So yeah "Butch." I would like to make fun of you. And the funny thing is I don't even like Biden, I just hate people like you more and the world would be a better place if you would go "Butch" yourself by taking your 2nd amendment right and using it on your forehead you sad sad pathetic old piece of shit.