IN RING - 7/10 I think he has the best punch in the business. There are other contenders like lawler, bossman, bret hart etc. but I think halls is the best.He punches kind of like the rock doing an open hand slap type gimmick. It wasnt a rapid fire as the rocks but hall swung his whole body into it and seemed like it had more impact. He could be stiff as shit with other snug guys as well and I have seen him obliterate snug guys like rick steiner with clotheslines. Tons of gaga in his matches too. Spooky fingers, toothpick, slow turn arounds etc. very animated. He was pretty athletic for a bigger guy. He could bump and sell and had good babyface fire. He could work a fast paced match with smaller guys like waltman or hbk, good cardio. Or exchange power moves with bigger guys like sid. He could work heel or babyface, singles or tags. Just all around good. He had tons of great matches in the wwf, and had great tag matches in wcw. I liked his moveset too with the fallaway slam, back suplex off the top, razors edge etc. In wcws dying days though the dude had some real stinkers. He began selling like sid with the goofy staggers and everything. Watch anyone put him in a sleeper and you can tell he just didnt give a fuck for a spot he probably called. I would give him a higher rating, but he got really, really lazy towards the end. He stopped bumping and selling and all that shit. His matches with luger, DDP, or sting at this time were godawful. Maybe he was drunk or something I dont know.