>>4978292These Mt Rushmore threads have no rhyme or reason to them. Mt Rushmore has Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and T. Roosevelt on it, and some of you niggers are giving out names like John Cena, HBK and The Undertaker? Niggerpleasehausen. Each bust stands for something it’s not “who are your favorites?” or “who was most popular with the people?” Therefore each wrestler you choose should apply similarly only in the context of pro wrestling. Like:
The Washington and The Jefferson (created wrestling): The Golddust Trio (Sandow, Mondt and Strangler Lewis) but if I had to pick 2 it’d be Strangler and Billy.
The Lincoln (brought it out of the ashes) Clearly Vince McMahon. Ironic that Lincoln preserved the Union.
The TR (positioned it for greatness) Clearly Superstar Billy Graham. Just like every Prez worth his salt is often borrowing heavily from Teddy, every major wrestling star has borrowed or outright stolen from Graham. Promos with catchphrases, bodybuilding, cool heels and anti authority character elements were all invented essentially by Superstar.