>>4998069>>4998069I also cried. I cried during Ruby Soho's entrance too. I cried when she won and yelled, "Hi Bryce!" before lunging into a hug. For both her and Punk, you saw how much the moment meant to them. For Punk to come back after failing at literally everything (fighting, writing, acting. I'm surprised he didn't try painting) and to hear a sold out United Center chant his name. And for Ruby to debut to a sold out crowd chanting her name and treating her like the star she never was, she almost burst out in tears on the stage. Both times there was a world of emotion and it was hard to not get wrapped up in the moment. I'm not counting the Brodie Lee Tribute because that was 2 hours of punching you in the gut that this guy who loved his sons above life itself wouldn't get to see them grow up. If you stay stone faced through that, there's something wrong with you.