>>5011626Going off hype rather than the results.
31 had a terrible world title build, but I think everything else was fine and well-promoted.
32, pretty much got plagued with injuries but hard-carried by Shane vs Taker which drove the sales and at least gave it a feel of something we haven't seen.
33, odd main event choice aside, this was probably the best built one. Golderg/Lesnar, Shane/AJ, Owens/Jericho... they put some effort and long-term stories into it.
34, as bad as this current Reigns/Lesnar thing is, this is probably the worse because it was all about Lesnar not being there. You had Reigns have to carry the whole thing himself. Cena/Miz stuff was fine, Asuka/Charles was a fine build, Rousey showing up was done well. But it did feel like everything else was kind of thrown together.
35, women's main event... oof. Lesnar vs Rollins was decently promoted and so was Bryan vs Kofi-- Bryan pretty much carried this shit hard. But the show falls short to everything dedicated to its main event program-- that nobody liked.
36, covid, but they actually did try beforehand. This was their first two parter, so they actually gave a bunch of shit a build. Covid ruined it for the final weeks, but it was shaping up to be decent.
37, covid. Though weaker than 36's build. You have to remember shows were in an empty arena/Thunderdome, so it's really hard to get pumped when nobody is there.
38, full arena and it's feels dead. Feels like a longer RAW/SD. The main hype going in is maybe Cody fucking Rhodes-- of all people, is going to show up and Austin. But there is nothing to care about because you know everything is going on Backlash. There is no feeling of, finality on this show.