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The absolute, 100% surefire easy way to tell if anyone on /pw/ is Reddit

No.5013617 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is they hate this man right here. Hulk is the decisive line, and never fails to bring out the seething inner virtue signalling, 'Chudster' screaming, Redditwink/Twittertranny bitch out of the one who sees him, brother.
I've found out the golden solution to save this board. It is to become an official unapologetic Hulkamaniac. You must swear a sacred oath to convert to Hulkamania and anybody who doesn't, it's THEM, and you now know where they came from, so this must be made an absolute /pw/ standard of assessment. The one thing that will drive them out is to be a true mark for Hulk Hogan, because his haters will never be able to bring themselves to do it.