>>5030239Act is a menhera who self-medicated by drinking hard liquor. Her body was also not able to physically handle being a wrestler as even ignoring the drugs she had to take she was still made of glass and injured half the time. Her mental instability and weak body meant that she had to prove that she was tough like the samurai in movies and TV shows she admired which meant wrestling even though she physically couldn't do it.
Her and Yoshiko did not like each other so when Act heard that Yoshiko might get a little stiff with her, she decided to strike first and start throwing shoot punches in a stupid attempt to prove that she was tough and the end result is that she got her ass beat and was carried out of the ring screaming "I'M A SAMURAI" over and over because she thought this proved that she was tough.
>>5030425The rumor I remember reading once (might have been the local pedo posting 5ch stuff) was that Yoshiko was pissed about the match/Act possibly taking the title from her because they had IRL heat. Nanae suggested she potato her a bit and other people (either out of concern or to start shit; supposedly Act wasn't the most popular person in the locer room for obvious reasons) told her what was going to happen and encouraged her to fight back which is what led to her throwing punches.
Rossy and Fuuka defended not stopping the match by saying that they totally couldn't see how bad it was getting from their ringside seats which is clear bullshit and what leads me to believe Rossy was wanting/expecting the heat between Yoshiko and Act to lead to something more "real" or whatever.
>Mayu was in on itYeah, everyone knew shit was going to happen. But it says a lot that most of the roster openly begged Yoshiko not to leave and Mayu is the one who got her back for that match while the only person who really gave a shit about Act was Kairi.