>>5036500>Because they spent a long time developing the storyline and they were sticking to itbut that isnt true. the storyline started as hangman slowly turning heel due to alcoholism, but the smarks started cheering him because muh le beer drinking gimmick. bucks and kenny were supposed to be the babyfaces that got frustrated by hangmans alcoholism. they even teased hangman turning on kenny omega a few times. he eventually does screw over the bucks to help ftr win the title shot, and gets kicked out of the elite for it. then they hot shotted the belts on ftr and took hangman off tv and had to do sporadic segments on bte where he acted like a retard, because they had no idea to do with him because he wasnt supposed to be getting cheered. once covid shutdown happened they went back to the pathetic drunk gimmick because they didnt have to deal with the crowd cheering for him anymore, but it still wasnt clicking so they do a half assed hotshot heel turn for the elite. hangman was barely even on television or bte during the heel elite run, then suddenly hes back on tv feuding with kenny for the title as a babyface. there was no coherent storyline there, and no one besides the hardcore smarks liked it or gave a shit.