[46 / 5 / 16]
>Oscar's ratings plummeting over years >This year's Oscar is predicted to be lowest-rated ever >No one is watching the Oscars, as predicted >Will Smith is laughingstock of Hollywood because everyone knows he is cuck supreme, needs to restore his stature to continue being a viable star >Chris Rock makes innocuous comment, far less offensive than anything Ricky Gervais has dropped >Fellow black man (cuz imagine the implications if the violence had been interracial), who happens to be sitting in the first fucking row, takes a few steps onto the stage and throws a weak-ass worked slap at Rock, who keeps his hands behind his back the whole time. Zero angles emerge showing any contact. >Word spreads like wildfire over social media, causing people to tune in >Just as the news is exploding, Will Smith takes the stage to accept his award for best actor, during which he sheds some crocodile tears >Marks, being marks, mark out. >Kevin Nash, Trump, Mel Gibson, me, and other non-marks take a sip of wine and snicker mirthlessly. >Bret calls Vince to ask whether this might kill the Screwjob Conspiracy Theory for good >Michaels thinks it's real because his IQ is below 90 >Vince wonders how he can parlay this into a pro-am tag match at Mania: Dave Chappelle special guest referee. >Smith & Reigns vs. Brock and Rock. In a swerve, Jada fucks Roman because he looks like the Aquaman guy >Smith pedigrees Jada, then he and Rock execute a perfect Doomsday Device on Jada. Huge pop & fireworks. Shit writes itself, brotha
Fuck both of these fags, fuck the Oscars, fuck pedophiles baby fuckers, fuck AEW trannies, fuck the Academy of Motion picture whatever and fuck you OP. Go back to fucking reddit.
>>5047487 >Dave Chappelle special guest referee Based, he'll be like Austin in Lesnar vs Goldberg 1 with everybody cheering for him over the other two
>>5047487 >who happens to be sitting in the first fucking row A nominee that is expected to win is in the front row. Shocker
> a weak-ass worked slap at Rock Not worked. Will is a bitch and probably gay
>sheds some crocodile tears Tears were real as Will is a shit actor
>Kevin Nash, Trump, Mel Gibson, me, and other non-marks take a sip of wine and snicker mirthlessly. Nash was raped
>Michaels thinks it's real because his IQ is below 90 Michaels knows it was a shoot because he's the Michaels. Only Janetty's think it was a work
>Smith & Reigns vs. Brock and Rock. In a swerve, Jada fucks Roman because he looks like the Aquaman guy >Smith pedigrees Jada, then he and Rock execute a perfect Doomsday Device on Jada. Huge pop & fireworks. Incel fagfic
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>>5047487 ********
8-star review from big dave
>>5047518 If you’re gonna get punched you don’t have your hands behind your back retard, you throw up your hands to brace.
You got worked.
>>5047626 He didn't think he would get punched retard. If it was a work, he wouldn't have no sold the slap
>>5047487 imagine the shoot promo he wouldve cut
>>5047626 ESPECIALLY a black man with another black man rushing him. Sorry, that's in the DNA. The hands were behind the back for a reason: that was the spot.
I can't believe some /pw/ers need this to be explained. If anyone should be able to tell a work from a shoot. Jesus.
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>>5047487 Yeah yeah we get it, every single thing that has ever happened in the history of humankind was part of a secret plot by someone. Nothing has ever just happened.
>>5047684 You're a goddamn retard. Wrestling fans think everything is a work and so do wrestlers. That's why so many wrestlers are Qtards
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>>5047697 Oh, the boys in the back are drug-addled meatheads with hormone imbalances and prone to paranoia? Holy fuck, maybe they should make a documentary series about them.
>>5047697 >he believes things on television are real lmao bless
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>>5047775 Hurr durr, okay Val Venis
>>5047518 Are Americans this fucking dumb? You probably think fucking Catfish and Jerry Springer are real too. Holy shit bro.
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>>5047500 >Chappelle >cheered Anonymous
The stunt happened AT the end of the show. You don't make a publicity stunt right when there's a award or two left. You have Will slap him in the first 15 minutes.
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>>5047823 Booker of the year
>>5047785 fucking dumbass Drake Weurtz sounding bitch
>>5047844 Shut the fuck up bong. You're probably more bogged than Paige's mom. And don't get me started on your teeth
>>5047890 Projecting obese whale. Go eat some nuggets
>>5047896 >he thinks tv is real kwab
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>>5047487 >Jada fucks Roman Jada's been fucking more than Roman.
She doesn't respect her husband no matter how much he'll simp for her.
>>5047900 >repeats himself because his topic got btfo >his incel fagfic where a woman gets abused didn't get over >sounds like a qtard kek what an inbred bong
>>5047669 Would never have happened. Americans are 20-30 years behind Brit comics in sophistication and that distance is growing bigger every minute. But the "magic" that Ricky Gervais uses is simply to place himself as low status at the crucial moment before dropping a potentially I silting punchline. "Remember, were all going to die", "this is my final year, I don't care", "you've no idea who I am, I'm nobody over here". It immediately deflates any idea he's trying to out-status his victim and instead puts him as underneath and punching up. Chris Rock didn't really do that and it's therefore somewhat understandable that it looked like he was trying to upstage Smith on what was his night.
Still a work though. But it was a work scripted by British or Jewish writers, which is why it worked.
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>>5047915 >thinks professional actors wouldnt act KWAB
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>>5047487 >and snicker mirthlessly so do the kikes that fund this show. all goyim humiliation is comedy to them
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>>5047915 bro tv isn't real
>>5047916 Shut the fuck up bong. British comedy sucks for the most part. You're trying to prop up unfunny shit by calling it sophisticated. Retarded Amerifags did this with Frasier
It's a work known as "Controversy Creates Cash": a marketing concept that was first invented by Eric Bischoff during his TED talk.
>>5047939 >having a mental breakdown on the internet because people informed you tv isn't real ishygddt
>>5047939 Frasier was just a regular sitcom where people kept running in and out of different doors just as the person they were trying to find had left the room but they named types of wine and hypnotised the amerifats. British comedy usually has a lot more to say for itself than any other type of broadcast content.
>>5047939 kek
>Frasier damn you are low brow, stick to wrestling
>>5047951 worked
>>5047953 Frasier is similar to Keeping Up Appearances where the snobbish main character gets humiliated all the time. Both shows sucked
>>5047993 I literally said Frasier sucked
>>5048032 Difference is, Bucket was shown at 7:30pm and was a family sitcom. Frasier was a multi-awarding winning franchise that was held up as the pinnacle of American wit. Which it was. I agree that the two shows are the same level.
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>>5048043 I read that as Bouqet
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I'm pretty sure it's the same guy that's making these. He got banned from /tv/ so now he has come to shit up this board.
>>5048032 >I literally said Frasier sucked comparing Frasier to British comedy is a fucking idiot take
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>>5048206 It's comparable in that they both suck and are overrated by pseudo intellectuals that call unfunny shit sophisticated. It's like the Rick & Morty meme where if you don't think a show is funny, then the alleged humor must have went over your head
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>>5047943 please tell me that is not Photoshop because if it's real I am stoked to watch my first Ted talk in many moons