The problem with GCW is that all their shows are the same:
>Tony Deppen whips somebody's ass, and it means nothing story wise
>Scramble clusterfuck featuring 16 year old twinks and overweight 40 year olds. And Gringo Loco. And Ninja Mack.
>Allie Katch winning against an indie woman or losing to an indie man. Then she cuts a promo about how she's revolutionizing women in wrestling and she's here to stay and basically doing shit women have been doing for 30 years.
>2 Cold Scorpio does 20 minutes and puts everyone else on the card to shame.
>Six man tag featuring somebody you're actually interested to see, like Danhausen or the lucha guys.
>Hardcore garbage shit main event that lasts 10 minutes, feels rushed, and features doors, tubes, doors, tacks, doors, and fire (on some doors.)
That's why seeing them live is fun as fuck, but watching on stream is boring to cringe.