Some people just don't convince as a world champion.
You either look like world champion (Lesnar, Mcintyre,Lashley ect.) or you're beat up everyone that looks like a world champion and show that you have a chance against them (Danielson, Styles, Rollins).
His run
> Seperated from the New day> Had a brief encounter with Lashley at the Rumble> Won the IC belt and feuded with Apollo Crews> Entered MITB match and won> Cashed in on a Kayfabe injured Lashley after his title defence vs Orton> hold it for 3 months defending it vs Lashley, Mcintyre, Owens and Rollins> Was put in the main event of Day 1 and whis is where WWE finally realized that Big E could draw a dime and changed the match 3 times> Lost it to Lesnar in a match where he was the least important man even though he had the beltBig E looks like a legit tough guy, but has 3 thing that burried his potential
> He had a fucking happy go lucky erotic dancer gimmick. Won the belt and nothing changed. Which gave us, Big E, The WWE champion, the face of the company HUMPING A TURNBUCKLE WITH THE BELT ON!!!> His push came out of nowhere and can be compared to Mahal, except Big E doesn't have a reason to be in the main event scene. He didn't get more or less over, didn't do any major sales and isn't a top notch worker that can work with othe maineventers> He looks short and bulky next the other maineventers. He's around 5'10 and 260lbs but next to the others he looks like he's 5'6 300lbs. When Big E had the brief face to face next to Lashley he looked like his mini me, Mcintyre made him look small and Intentionally or not Lesnar pinning his the moment his main event run ended because title vs title was more important.Now he might not be able to wrestle ever again and if He ever comes back there's a good chance people might not even remember him<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="">