>>5077856You could ask /pol/ but they'll just say Jews and not teach you anything so here goes.
America by its very nature is an experiment in unifying identities under one flag, one culture, one being.
A Brit is American, a Frenchie is American, an Italian is American, so on.
The truth is that the people don't live that way. There's Haitians in New Orleans laughing their ass off at the humiliation which black people do to themselves in Los Angeles and New York, which they can do because those people aren't Haitian.
Mexicans and Costa Ricans who don't see eye to eye, Germans and Poles who go to different stores to get different brands of the same sausage, the list goes on.
If the American Idea is not enforced over and over again from the top down, everyone goes back to being Irish, English, French, Chinese, Haitian, slave, etc.
That's why people who want to destroy those identities will always try to make a point of including every ethnicity in their propaganda, thus the diversity campaigns and quotas and subsidies have all come into being.
Lamentably, conservatives and angels do the same thing from the perspective of everyone being a soul, meaning that when you peel away boundaries you find a much more powerful being than the sum of identities on his or her passport which the destroyers would limit you to.
This is why MJF can cut a promo on Jesus, but if someone mentions on the TV in the same show in response to that promo that Jesus is a Jew he gets slammed by the TV people for antisemitism. Because there's no such thing. We are all one, we all are Americans, and some are a little more American than others and get away with that.