>>5081576Blacks killing their own children isn't really any of my business, and not something I'm going to go out of my way to stop. Most people who get abortions are trash in general, regardless of the race. They're generally doing both the child and the world a favor.
If you look at this from a Darwinist point of view, they're excising themselves from the gene pool and in a way are controlling their kind of ilk from spreading. If you look at it from your point of view, these people are inherently sinful, and they'd be bringing up their child in sin to further propagate sin and evil. I know Christianity is all about forgiveness, but it's about giving people the opportunity to be saved and forgiven. They have to want it. Some people are simply beyond redemption, or else you wouldn't even have a concept of Hell.
Evil begets evil. Anyone who would willfully murder their own unborn child for selfish purposes is not someone who can "fixed" or saved" by throwing John 3:16s at them. It's better to let them prevent their own prodigy from entering into the world, even if only as a mercy. Do not be so vain to think you can halt the spread of evil with platitudes and understanding, that is the reason your faith and religion is all but dead. You abandoned the sword even when Christ himself, in spite of all his preaching of peace and brotherhood and forgiveness, noted its necessity. When evil seeks to consume and cannibalize itself, it's better to just let it, rather than to think you are Christ himself and capable of saving it.