>>5127105Trying as hard as you can to gaslight people doesn't change what I heard in the arena last night.
>minor pops for most matches>people getting up for piss breaks for the Mysterio/Miz/Paul match and only popping big when Paul got faceplanted. >Silence and boredom during Ronda/Flair>Corbin/MacIntyre was a dud except for the die-hards who recognized when he kicked out of End of Days and popped, but that was pretty scattered. >Divided crowd pops for Becky/Belair (divided down race lines as you would expect) there was a cringe reaction when people saw Becky's makeup on the big screens. >Please came unglued as the glass shattering sound hit. >Second biggest pop for Cody, with the match starting out quiet and building to a fervor. I think it's cause they actually put on a great, intense show. >Owen's drew legitimate death threat heat from the locals in the crowd. There was actually this wierd vibe for the women's matches and promos at the overuse of the word bitch. More than a few people around me wondered aloud if that was the only approved swear the girls are allowed to use.
All in all, it was a decent Wrestling show but not par with being the "grandest stage of them all". I watched Stand and Deliver before heading to At&T. Honestly they put on a better Wrestling show.