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No.5151066 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Comes out looking like a fucking mummy
>"Wrestles" in a shirt because he's such an out of shape old slob
>Punches like an 80 year old grandma and walks like a paraplegic while the other guy bumps around him like he's Superman
>Steals Kevin Steen's finisher because he's an unoriginal faggot
>Can't even sell it properly
>Comes back to bury younger talent
>This isn't enough for him, has to come out the next night again to bury another young talent
>Delivers the worst stunner of all time bar none
>After he's done burying talent he stands around hogging airtime and hot dogging for the crowd
Genuinely what the fuck is Simp Cuck's problem? Owen Hart should have finished the job.