>>5233366As Effy rises outside of Chikara with his series of "Big Gay..." shows, Avery does his unmasking storyline and dabbles with wrestling outside Chikara. Effy and Mark, now running a gay mafia outfit on the indie scene, use their power to keep Avery from getting booked save for a few shows where Ultra Mantis and other old school Chikara types are involved to vouch for him being a cuckservative and not a MAGA-type.
Avery goes back to Chikara full time. Mark quits to go work for MLW, and with Effy triples down on running their blacklist. Effy is now a major figure on the indie mudshow scene and backs Mark in Mark's public pissing match against Jaxson Ryker.
#SpeakingOut happens and two things happen:
Quackenbush and Chikara are brought down, with an emphasis on Icarus being accused of "bullying" because he called a Wrestling Factory trainee "retarded" and Quackenbush getting accused of doing nothing when the trainee complained. Chikara shuts down.
Mark Haggerty gets outed as a pedophile. Mark is disowned by everyone, even Effy for the sake of self-preservation and Lockerroom Dicks canceled.
(not saying they are related, but given that Mike Quackenbush can be a real cunt when he feels threatened and Mark being a grudge carrying carny with a vested interest in killing Chikara both to help Effy and remove competition for his new bosses and wanting to hurt Icarus, it's not hard to imply that Mark had Quackenbush and Icarus taken out and that Quack responded by having Mark outed as a pedophile. And Effy knowing that Quack probably knew about Mark being a pedophile due to Avery telling him so that Quack could proactively protect any kid Mark might be in contact with while he was working for Chikara)