>>5262981>Russo heckin' made the Attitude EraRusso got exposed. Everybody who actually watched the Attitude Era knows that WWF fucking sucked except for the main event scene/segments, and those were carried by Austin, Rock, and Vince's charisma.
Everything else on a WWF card, the mid to undercard, fucking SUCKED OUT LOUD and that is where you saw Russo's ideas, shit like "Beaver Cleavage" which was forced and got zero response even though it was dead on fucking arrival. And then once he left and went to WCW, his terrible ideas were absolutely exposed and worse than that, he became one of the biggest self-marks of all time that had to force himself into stories.
Ask yourself why Vince Russo isn't working in the wrestling business and hasn't in years, if he's so fucking good. It's because he's not and everybody in the business knows it. He's flopped too many times to be sustainable.