>>5316191>yuck just look at those disgusting troglodytes how on earth can you consider these things "people"?You can actually smell their stink thru the screen. So this is what I purpose: we wash them. Yes, we wash them.
Their bodies are covered in grime, filth, feces, and body odor. a-bots haven't showered in years, so this nasty funk operates as a shield against soap. So how do we clean them? HCl. Otherwise known as muriatic acid. At the next All Petite taping, we replace the arena's reserve water tank with HCl.
Then at several key points in the crowd, we set one of these disgusting worthless human trash bags on fire. Their stank works like gas fumes and will light up an entire section of trannies in seconds. The sprinkler system comes on and whammy! ...death by ACID RAIN.