I unironically dropped this disgusting impure traitor piece of shit. she could have settled for a homely, handome "guy next door" type who would have been there with her through thick and thin, supporting her work and careerwith all the love in the world. Someone who's actually familiar with pro wrestling and the art of joshi and could always be there for her as he watch the show eaglerly every week but instead she has to marry some japanese meathead piece of shit who cant even be there for her because he's in a different fucking country. Probably will cheat on her while getting drunk every day because he's a depressed salaryman who probably doesn't even watch wrestling and has no real hobbies.
she made a mistake. A big fucking mistake. And she'll realize it 3 years down the line when she's broken down and crying because she mad e the wrong choice when should could have been with someone who actually CARED and someone who actually KNOWS her and has been familiar with her work for YEARS, not live 50000 miles away in some shithole apartment. There's no way, aboslutely NO fucking way she can be truly happy right now.
Literally imagine your """"husband"""" living so far away, theres a reason you don't let your SO travel. people in the military cheat and get cheated on all the time because they lack the direct contact needed to maintain an intimate relationship, and she had one chance at this and chose to sign off her pure status away for a miserable existence.
I'm honestly fucking done with her and every other joshi traitor who decides to get married especially without consulting the fans who've loved them for decades first. it's like years of trust being violated and disappearing in one fell swoop. No hints, no honest conversation with her fans, no signs of relationship, but then she decides to deal the death blow to all us, there's very little more evil than this and I hope reality hits her fast and hard and is merciless when she realizes what she did