Quoted By:
>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before 2018 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the 10s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '20s
>Tanked the ratings so hard that every week is record low
>hogged the main event picture longer than Austin was in WWF
>Only the 4th best member of The Shield
>Only the 5th best member of The Tribe
>His backstage clique "The Fat Jungle Savages" were utterly BTFO by everyone else and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Jimmy Uso on us
>His superman cosplay was cringeworthy
>His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA TRIBAL QUEEF""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit hairline
>fake teeth
>fake blue eyes
>had to fake cancer to get any degree of sympathy
>Only significant achievement was feuding in a never ending dimeless feud with Brock
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his first title run that Sheamus of all people had to take the belt off him
>Buried the entire roster multiple times
>Drew lower ratings in his feud with Brock in the late 2010s than an Bray vs Cena feud, a Jinder title run, and a Ziggler vs Miz feud the next year
>None of the Wrestlemanias he main evented got more buys than the previous year
>Was on the B-show for the majority of his career after the draft
>Huge mark for himself, according to Paul Heyman he drives around with the license plate "HEADTBL" and wears his own merchindise
>Besides Wrestlemania 38 having the lowest buyrate ever, it is the only Wrestlemania ever not to sell out