Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[105 / 8 / 58]

No.5393890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
book it (winners in parentheses)
House of Black vs House of Torture (HOT)
Wheeler Yuta vs Ren Narita (Yuta)
El Desperado vs Penta Oscuro (Despy)
>main show
Darby vs Hiromu Steel Cage Match (Darby)
Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Christian vs Ishii, Goto, and Yoshihashi (Jurassic Express)
ReDragon with Cole vs Dangerous Tekkers with Suzuki (Tekkers)
Bullet Club vs ELITE: Jay and the GoD vs Hangman and the Bucks (ELITE)
Andrade vs Naito (Naito)
MJF vs Ospreay (Ospreay)
Mox vs Takagi (Takagi)
Bryan vs Okada (Bryan)