>>5498161It's difficult getting these guys to the next level, because of a mix of things. The onboarding is great and the facilities and structure help them transition really well at first. The issue is 2 things to me. First you got the fact that these guys are marks in some respect. Not smarks but marks, they remember seeing WWE when they were younger and seeing certain guys and meeting those guys helps onboard them etc. But they don't get all the work that goes into learning how to wrestle, promo, tell stories in ring etc. The work ethic to stay in shape and perform is there for sure, but a lot of them think there isn't much to learn to performing and then suddenly get hit with it. Some of them are good at picking up the wrestling portion but struggle with the performance tv/promo aspects. A few are good at the promo stuff but slow learning the wrestling. A lot of them are excited about the TV stuff but they don't know how to project themselves, and do these stilted interpretations of generic wrestlers they have in their head. They're different from indie talent though in the sense they don't think they have it all figured out and are really open to advice etc. Indie guys just think they can do the same shit they're done to get signed and don't need to change anything. They think they have a brand already. It's hard finding people who have a commitment to working out, getting better, can handle TV and are open to suggestions. This is why Bron is so big down in NXT