>>5501316The guy next to Phil was a close friend of mine as a teenager. Chad always knew how to work the marks, work the smarks and draw dimes. His gimmick is he realizes women are typically completely devoid of talent but people want to fuck them and will pay money to look at them, so he grooms a young one, writes all her shitty music and takes their publishing and royalties. He’s done this multiple times. He conned his way into a Hardcore band at 14 and when he realized there was zero dimes in “keeping it real” he started a pop punk band and sold a respectable amount of records despite having a negligible amount of talent. I don’t have Twatter or social media and I haven’t seen him 20 years but I’d slap the shit out of him for standing next to such an anti-draw bitch like CM Phil, other than that he’s a good brother.