>>5512482>I never watched this what happened and why is it bad1. Seth was in the middle of a WOAT reign and Fiend was super over
2. Debut of this obnoxious red light where you can't see anything
3. The match was boring and heatless as all Bray matches are
4. Fiend starts no selling everything and Seth spams finishers
5. Seth piles a bunch of shit on Fiends head then picks up a hammer
6. Ref starts throwing a shit fit and starts doing some worked shoot saying 'YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS COLBY!'
7. Seth his the pile of shit with a hammer and the refs ends the match. No contest for a fucking hell in a cell
8. Cell comes up and Fiend is put on a stretcher + Owen voice like he was dead
9. He had used a big fuck off mallet earlier so people started a 'Big hammer ok, small hammer bad' meme
10. Suddenly Fiend starts no selling and gets his heat back on Seth
11. PPV ends as people chant AEW