>>5555330Here's how to keep the groundwork for Austin vs McMahon:
I tell Vince to be honest for once in his life and TELL Bret about the screwjob and get him on board with it:
>Vince and Shawn keep their heel heat>Bret still gets to incorporate being screwed into his character and goes to WCW as a martyr and unbeaten championEverybody wins. Only this way there is no shoot bad blood between Bret and Vince and he can return to WWF in a few years. Owen will either not be made to do the Blue Blazer stunt to begin with most likely, or even if he is Bret might be on hand to stop him. Hell, you might even keep Bulldog alive for longer because he won't opt out of his contract and leave with Bret, fucking up his back on Warrior's trapdoor and becoming (even more) strung out on pain pills.
Meanwhile Austin and Vince feud still happens and is a massive success just like in our own timeline. When Bret eventually does return, they can play off the screwjob and Bret and Austin can do the time honored "unlikely allies that hate each other but have to face off against a common enemy" angle, a wrestling classic.