>>5662766Daniel Bryan was the Worst "wrestler" in the World before he even set foot in a WWE ring. He had already proven that time and time again, year after year, that he could always be outperformed. He was so bad Meltzer named an award after him. He was the absolute nadir of professional wrestling.
And when he arrived to WWE, he continued that. By then, when indy wrestlers arrived in WWE, they found it difficult to adapt to their already-low standards. Bryan was not like this. Bryan Danielson was so bad that he decimated every match he was in. From managing to get a bad match out of HHH back when he was at his worst, to a midcard Total Divas reign where he consistently stole people's time 4 seasons in a row, Daniel Bryan was a dark catastrophe of every show he was on.
But when he turned babbyface, he truly came into his own sister. From a vanilla white meat cuckold who put on literally but not metaphorically incredible matches, to an incredibly unmasculine ballerina who treated Western values like shit. From there, he truly found Diego Sanchez's voice as a characterless midget alonside his Cena-esque politicking prowess.
WrestleMania was his Caging-in moment - the moment where Bryan became as sick of a human being as he was a ""wrestler"". And since then, day in, day out, he has proven time and time again he is the worst all-around performer they have. No man will ever want to touch this bad man's legacy. He is the worst wrestler who ever lived.