>>5729560And she has a dentist job too, so she can't commit fully anyway.
She's alright sometimes and would be way more passable if they had workers who could carry her because her character stuff is great.
Too bad they keep booking her to squash better wrestlers, who are all pushed down for wwe cast-offs now, and they keep booking her in the same, bad interview segment on every show and it seems to get worse.
This is a booking issue and a roster issue, less than it is Britt personally.
>>5729702I didn't say they couldn't work larger opponents and if you ever watched TJPW or DDT or Gatoh move you would know that they can work larger workers when those workers aren't the drizzling shits. Riho was working as a child against men and having good matches. Maki works DDT where she regularly wrestles large men too. Yuka has had to carry gaijin shitters like Rosa and Su Yung and she got great matches out of them at times.
The agents and booker set the match up so that it's hard for the girls to carry the shitters because they want all the focus on the shitters.