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Adam Page has a lot of interests in his life, but it seems one huge aspect of pop culture nowadays is not to his liking. While speaking to Fightful, Adam Page professed his dislike for superhero movies.

>“No, not at all. Please forgive me if this annoys you or pisses you off. I’m tired of this superhero stuff, man. Every movie’s a superhero movie these days. If you like it, hey, that’s cool. I’m glad. You’re probably having a ball these past twenty years. But damn. I just want to go see something original that ain’t about flying around and shit."
>"I watched that. I like Deadpool. He’s good. I’ve watched some of them. I fell asleep, I think, at the Thor movie. It wasn’t bad or anything. I was just so tired. I got home from a trip and I just couldn’t stay awake. So, yeah, I don’t know, man. I’m tired of the superhero stuff. I feel like those big blockbusters that used to come out in the day about anything, just random stuff, they don’t happen any more. ‘Cause it’s all superheroes now.”
