>>5780834They got bullied and waited almost two decades to say anything back to anyone. After Booker T called him out suddenly he hated Booker, even though he never said anything before that. Their podcast is terrible and they clearly pander to anti-smarks with shit you can tell they read online, acting like they are their 'hot-takes' while trying to be like Jim Cornette, plus they talk about workrate and shooting and shit... Things they know nothing about. It's all just entertainment so if you enjoy it, no hate, but they're clearly full of shit. As for Booker, it's not his job, apparently, as he shits on WWE all the time especially stuff like New Day, called out a bunch of matches and storylines he didn't like, and tore NXT to shreds and said what they're doing makes no sense (Black and Gold era). He also supplies AEW with talent, one of which was Sammy who he talked to people in AEW about to get his foot in the door, and Sammy thanked him publically in interviews afterwards.