[13 / 2 / 11] 74KiB, 575x1024, 0E65442F-B67B-4626-9B72-7CC6C2FE864E.jpg View SameGoogleImgOpsiqdbSauceNAO Thread Reply Original Report Media View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Download Explain the logic Anonymous Sat 28 May 2022 12:05:37 No.5813695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>5813700 >>5813707 >>5813741 >>5813806 >>5814657 Why is Tony booking around an NBA game for his PPV? People who bought the PPV will not be watching the game ,right? They paid cash to see your show. What the fuck? Why does Tony act like once the game is done they will switch over?