lolcow... geek talk lol, you fucking sad twat try getting laid you virgin, get off the computer, stop being obsessed with gay rape fanfiction and get real a real life
Ive said this a million times.
1. I went for away for 15 months
2. it got worse in my absence, not better, why? bc you're a troll with no life. a depressed lonely virgin with nothing better to do and this is what brings a little excitement to yor shitty life
3. I came back and now all you do is cope and cry and try to relive your glory days fail everyday
4. you don't 14 to 21 threads on baord at one time anymore, you rape thread murked everytime
5. deal with it, im not going you fucked up
You're the lolcow, crying because i murk your fagfiction LOL
>WAAAAAAAH let me post my fagifction in peace WAAAAAAHFuck off. LOL Im only here to ruin your pathetic sad virgin faggot LIfes work. Try stopping me you stiupid cunt.
Also i dare you to dox me for real. You're bitch. So you won't and can't. You're nobody. You have no clout here. I run this place now. Deal with it.