[19 / 5 / 10]
>PW World Autist Championship Match
Wolfcuck vs. Shankism
>Grudge Match. Loser stops shitposting about their favorite fed and leaves /pw/ forever
Ojama vs. Bitchtits
>Based Chad championship match
Lyricschad v. Vocaroochad
>Schizo Championship Triple Threat
Blissfag v. Mandyfag v. Sashaschizo
>Go away heat triple threat match
/pol/ tourists v. pajeet tourists v. scjerk tourists
Also what is everyone's favorite episode of WWE Raw?
Wolfcuck vs. Shankism
>Grudge Match. Loser stops shitposting about their favorite fed and leaves /pw/ forever
Ojama vs. Bitchtits
>Based Chad championship match
Lyricschad v. Vocaroochad
>Schizo Championship Triple Threat
Blissfag v. Mandyfag v. Sashaschizo
>Go away heat triple threat match
/pol/ tourists v. pajeet tourists v. scjerk tourists
Also what is everyone's favorite episode of WWE Raw?