>gives wrestlers enough freedom to get themselves over and drama queens enough rope to hang themselves
>Cody would be a great heel but he doesn't want to be, so Tony just sits back and watches the fans boo the shit out of Cody
>Cody continues to shit up the midcard until he wants too much money
>Tony tells Cody to either take what he's worth him or kick rocks
>Cody runs back to WWE after trying for years to troll them with shit like the throne, golden shovel and teasing the pedigree
>WWE pays him more than he's worth because they think it'll make AEW seethe, but they clearly have enough better wrestlers that it doesn't affect them at all
>now WWE's stuck with AEW's least liked founder, who thinks he's destined to be World Champion and will cause more drama than he's worth if they don't give it to him
>and Seth has to inject heat into their boring ass feud by bringing up the shit Cody pulled in AEW
>meanwhile, Tony's using WWE's biggest missed opportunity, CM Punk, to do record PPV numbers
booker of the year, baybee