>>5887815You keep posting this lol. You need to do better research. House shows Diesel headlined during his WWF title reign did not get cancelled. Well honestly maybe the odd one (I know which ones) but that happens a few times during anbodys world title reign unless you're Hogan, Rock, Austin in their peak.
Tell you what pal. Post dates of some shows during Diesel's WWF title reign in 1995 that got cancelled. However they must be shows he was advertised for. I have a feeling you won't because you have not done the reseach nor do you have the knowledge.
Let me educate you. In 1995 WWF had two crews on the road. One crew (A Team) worked the big venues in large markets and overseas. And the other crew (B Team) worked small venues in smaller markets. Which crew do you think WWF World Champion Diesel worked on? that's right the A team.
A Team house shows did not get cancelled. B Team house shows did however but Diesel wasn't advertised on those. And the end of 1995, WWF got rid of B Team house shows all together.