>>5915876Well, i guess i'll be the one to say it, then. Dude looks like a fucking psycho and the rest of you read like psychos.
No one else on steroids with cte goes crazy and murders their family. They forget where theyre going and forget things like where they live. More than that, no one else that royally pissed off kevin sullivan were murdered by his satanic death cult. He's old as fuck, has nothing to live for beyond marking time, and has been fucked over to hell and back countless times. If he had the ability, hed have as many mysterious deaths surrounding him as the clintons.
Fuck your copy pasta, too. Cops are as stupid as the people youve worked with in every job youve ever had because people are incompetent across the board. There is no cover up. There was no conspiracy. This kid has no future in the business because his only accolade is being the surviving child to a terrible incident that the wrestling world would much rather forget.