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When Dr. Chhibber took a different tack and tried to offset his outside status by informing flattered Senior Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis that he was a fan of all his All Japan matches, Stephanie reprimanded Chhibber for "acting like a mark."
"Stephanie told me that a WWE writer didn't need to know about other types of wrestling to be successful," said Dr. Chhibber.
"She said if I let wrestlers know I had that sort of knowledge, I would across as some type of 'super-mark' and never be able to earn their respect. I felt like it was impossible to be respected: they hated you if you didn't know wrestling, and they looked down on you if you were a fan."
"Stephanie told me that a WWE writer didn't need to know about other types of wrestling to be successful," said Dr. Chhibber.
"She said if I let wrestlers know I had that sort of knowledge, I would across as some type of 'super-mark' and never be able to earn their respect. I felt like it was impossible to be respected: they hated you if you didn't know wrestling, and they looked down on you if you were a fan."