>>6017259Hey, remember when you weren't in any of the Dominion gamethreads and haven't been in any NJPW gamethreads ever, aside from like 2 BOSJ threads where everyone called you a faggot and told you to stfu with your console war shit? You member that? Member how none of your Okada avatarfagging (which is against the rules and reportable on 4chan btw [Avatar or Signature Use]) have ever been seen in any gamethread before? And how you tried to cope and say
>w-well i-i dont use them in g-gamethreads!Remember how the only posts that are ever made with any of your shitty images are low-tier bait console war threads?
Remember how you can't talk about Omega without using Cornette-isms like "Twinkletoes McFingerbang" and other cringe offerings like "Harpo" even though you claim to be a NJPW fan and Cornette constantly shits on NJPW, the NJPW style, and NJPW wrestlers? You memeber that, pal?
You're a false flagger. You're a schizo. You're fat. And you're going to die alone. You're going to reply to this post with cope and seethe, probably avatarfag some more.