Gonna dump this fightful select post here for anyone who wants it as well. Fuck Sean.
Some additional notes on the segment-- it wasn't featured on internal full scripts as of 5:30 EST, or the rundown we gained access to at 7:50 PM EST. One person suggested that the segment did not happened as originally planned this morning. Vince McMahon was said to have been in a good mood backstage, and not outwardly reacting to the investigation.
"Business as usual" was a term constantly reiterated backstage. Few knew what Vince McMahon was going to say to kick off the show. What happened was Vince McMahon effectively explaining the "Then. Now. Forever. Together" tagline, saying "Welcome to Smackdown" and throwing the microphone.
Reactions that we received, unsolicited, ranged from confused to disappointed to "enraged."
A top talent immediately contacted Fightful and said it was "tone deaf and embarrassing," and believed it was his way of putting himself on screen as a power move to lessen the impact of an investigation's findings.
A former top talent who left the company said that "I'm happy it didn't last long, so I didn't have to sit through whatever bullshit he was going to say. But it shows that he has no accountability, especially when something is directly his fault."
Finally, a person who had worked with Vince McMahon said they were "enraged" by the appearance, and were hopeful that this was the type of situation. The person sourced was backstage at the show, and said that they were incredulous watching it unfold.