>>6091292I don't think anyone who follows pro-wrestling's actually appaled by this. We've seen far worse from VKM, even discounting stuff that's merely rumor.
But using company funds to pay employees for sleeping with you, though common, is still against the bylaws of pretty much every real company in the country. As well it should be. I don't give a fuck about "power differentials". Vince is a shoot billionaire. Every relationship he's in's gonna have a massive-ass one of those. But unless your literally hooking, you shouldn't be getting paid to sleep with someone. It totally undermines any professional integrity.
I think many were just hoping that this'd finally get Vince to step away, but that hasn't happened at all. Steph's clearly just the Chsirwoman in name only, and Vince is still doing pretty much everything he was doing as of last week. Many have been brought down for less, but Vince survived way worse shit than this, even after the company went public. He's survived drug scandals, sex scandals, pedophilia scandals, accidental fatalities, the worst public health crisis in a century, and even literal murders. There'd have to be a lot more than what we've seen so far to sink him.