>>6115013hes not me and yes i noticed it instantly. this was the first time we got a good look at her ass and i was pleased with what i saw. i remember her ass facing directly at the hard cam and undertakers head between her thighs. I think i was one of the first people to be sexual attracted to vickie guerrero, i saw her potential years ahead of every body else. as i recall i had this episode recorded and i went back to watch this part a few times. i shoot masturbated to this. I stopped watching for a few years until 2011 then i saw her at mania and she was actually hot for real now and wearing shorts. I masturbated right there during the PPV when she had that tag match or whatever it was. I believe it was on before the main event. I felt bad afterwards because i felt i had disrespected the sanctity of wrestlemania. But bear in mind i had not seen her for years so i was blown away